Our Leadership

Michele D´Ercole
President & Executive Director GE Aviation Czech
In February 2018 was Michele appointed as a President & Executive Director GE Aviation Czech. In this role he is responsible for turboprop engine division within GE Business and General Aviation and he will continue to build and further develop the turboprop engine center in the Czech Republic, including the unification of GE H Series and GE Catalyst (ATP) product line.
He started to work at GE in 2003 and during 15 years working in the company, he gained diverse expercience at GE Oil & Gas, where he held a leading position in division of advanced rotating devices. Michele headed the Development Department at GE Aviation and his task was to prepare the team for the company growth.
Before he started to work at GE, he spent 10 years at Fiat Company where he worked first as a manager in automotive division and later he has been working as a development project manager in Fiat Avio. He gained there experience from many product development programs.
Michele studied at University La Sapienza in Rome.